How much is the cost for surrogate mother treatment in 2022?

 The estimated surrogate cost in Georgia ranges from Gel 37 000 to Gel 55 000. However, the surrogacy in Georgia cost depends on many factors such as the age of the surrogate mother, lifestyle, previous history of miscarriages, etc. If people compare the surrogate cost in Georgia with other well-developed countries like the USA, UK, Russia, etc., they find that Georgia is much more reasonable than these countries. Also, the surrogate mother cost in Georgia is cheaper than that of a surrogate mother in other developed countries. Offering affordable surrogacy costs in Georgia does not mean that Fertility Centre Georgia will compromise the quality of the treatment. The fertility experts & other professionals of this centre provide the best surrogacy treatment, allowing the childless couple o enjoy their parenthood.

However, surrogacy is a lengthy, emotional & stressful procedure for both parties. They have to cooperate in achieving the successful results of the procedure. Both the surrogate mother & intended parents need to be emotionally, mentally, & physically strong to bear the surrogacy procedure. The pain is short-term, and once the baby arrives couple will forget all the pain they endure during their journey.

How does the surrogacy Georgia Tbilisi procedure perform?

The surrogacy Georgia Tbilisi procedure will be performed by a skilled & trained fertility professional who will collect the eggs & sperm of the biological parents & artificially fertilize them in the IVF lab. Once fertilization occurs, the embryologist will choose the most active embryo/s to transfer into the surrogate mother's uterus to establish a successful pregnancy.

Once the procedure gets completed, the fertility expert asks the surrogate mother to take proper rest without stress & asks her to revisit the fertility clinic after 14 days for a pregnancy test. The intended parents can also attend the doctor's appointment with their surrogate mother to experience the journey of parental hood.

After 14 days, the fertility expert conducts a pregnancy test using an ultrasound scan where they hear the infant's heartbeat. Once the heartbeat is confirmed, the pregnancy will grow as usual & the couple must wait for another nine months to see their baby.

What's the surrogacy law in Georgia?

The surrogacy law in Georgia says that intended parents need to file a petition in court on the 3rd day of the baby's born for the birth certificate that has their name as a legal parent & the surrogate mother has no relationship left with the newborn. The court will verify the documents signed by both parties before entering into the surrogacy procedure. The contract says that the intended parents will take proper care of the surrogate mother until the baby delivers to them & surrogate mother willingly agree to carry a baby in her womb for nine months. Once the baby is born, she will hand over the baby to the intended parents without any hassle.

Once the court is satisfied with the signed documents by both parties, they order the Department of Vital Statistics to issue the newborn birth certificate in the name of genetic parents.

How much does surrogacy in Georgia Tbilisi cost if the first attempt of surrogacy gets failed?

Fertility Centre Georgia hires experienced & trained fertility professionals who make the first attempt of surrogacy successful; however, if the first attempt gets failed, then the couple need not pay the entire amount. The surrogacy in Georgia Tbilisi cost for a second attempt is also very reasonable depending upon the couple's choice. If they want the embryo to be transferred to the same surrogate mother, surrogacy in Georgia Tbilisi costs around Gel 14 000. However, if the couple wishes to change the surrogate mother, embryo transfer to a new surrogate mother will cost around Gel 25 000. It is an estimated surrogate mother cost in Georgia & the actual will vary from person to person. read more:-
